Why the Sequel?

Almost eight years ago I began writing my first endeavor, Customize Wall Street, which was completed and published in late 2014. In the second section of that work, I introduced the topic of ten powerful tools for saving and investing. I explained to readers that all ten of the tools, whether used individually or collectively, are available from every Wall Street firm of which they might wish to become clients. Over the years, as I’ve spoken about these powerful tools, I’ve become motivated to expand the discussion to offer greater understanding, and easy adaptation, for anyone who wishes to use them. The purpose of this first sequel to the original Customize is to focus primarily on the further presentation of the powerful tools. I feel that they are sufficiently powerful, especially when used in combination, to warrant an entire book devoted specifically to them. In this book, I plan to go into greater detail in my explanation of each tool and to offer more examples of how these tools can be used by the everyday person seeking to take control of his/her financial future.

Many knowledgeable people might have completely different opinions about a good list of tools for investing and saving, and credibly so. In this book, this list is my view. The reason I added tools regarding professional advice and diversification over the long-term is because I now feel they have more direct application to a substantial section of the investing public. Some of the greatest success stories, anecdotally speaking,  are told of people who have grown wealthy from investing in the stock market or other investment categories by having received excellent professional advice and/ or have held on to their investments for many years. We all know people who bought their homes early in life, perhaps yourself included, and over the years their values have multiplied manifold. 

Harvey Neiman

Harvey Neiman serves as President and Chief Investment Officer of Neiman Funds Management LLC based in upstate New York. Read his new book, Customize Wall Street, and see how anyone can invest in Wall Street.

Harvey earned his bachelor’s degree in Political Science at U.C. Santa Barbara, his JD degree at University of San Diego School of Law, and later earned an LLM degree in Taxation, also at USD School of Law.